CourseLeaf Section Scheduler (CLSS)

Thank you for visiting the CourseLeaf Section Scheduler (CLSS) landing page. The Registrar's Office is currently working on the resources this page will link to and will add those materials as they become available.

Logging Into CourseLeaf CLSS

You can log into CourseLeaf CLSS with your UConn Net ID and password at the following URL: If you do not have access to the system and believe that you should, please contact us at

Registrar Academic Scheduling LISTSERV

To receive updates on CLSS and other scheduling issues, please subscribe to the Registrar Academic Scheduling LISTSERV (REGISTRAR_ACADEMIC_SCHEDULING-L).

CourseLeaf CLSS Documentation

The CLSS section of the UConn Knowledge Base is currently under construction. We are actively working to add articles to the Knowledge Base, which will be where all CLSS documentation is eventually hosted.

CourseLeaf CLSS News and Updates

  • CLSS Schedulers Training
    Training Breakdown Please see the key below for when each of the following topics is covered in the CLSS Schedulers Training video. The links will bring you to UConn or CourseLeaf documentation on those topics. A transcript of the training session is also available. CLSS Presentation 14:00 – Agenda 15:45 – Terminology 18:00 – Phases […]
    Posted on October 9, 2023
  • Overview of Classroom Assignment and Optimization Process
    The following is an overview of the classroom assignment and optimization process used by the Registrar’s Office to assign central classrooms each semester. Our goal is to be as transparent as possible about how we assign classrooms so that instructors and administrators have a better understanding of why we assign the rooms we do. Which […]
    Posted on September 6, 2023